UK Testamonials - Chris Waller

Chris Waller - Test Gear Engineer 

“My journey with Megger has been a rewarding one, marked by continuous growth, both personally and professionally”

I embarked on my journey with Megger in January 2010, joining the team as a Test Technician right after graduating from Canterbury College with an HND in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Eager to further expand my knowledge, I wasted no time and pursued a degree in Electronic Systems Engineering at the University of Portsmouth; a decision that would prove invaluable to my career. 

Today, I hold the role of a Test Engineer at Megger, a position that comes with its unique set of responsibilities. As a Test Engineer, I am entrusted to oversee the creation of all the equipment crucial for the calibration and testing of the products we manufacture for sale. In this dynamic role, versatility is key. We often find ourselves designing and constructing custom test systems tailored to Megger's specific requirements. Given the specialised nature of our needs, many of these systems are developed in-house. As a result, we, as Test Engineers, need to be proficient in a range of disciplines, including electronics, machining, fabrication, and programming. This diversity of skills and tasks is what makes my job not only challenging but incredibly fulfilling. I've always had a passion for creating and building things, and that's precisely what I've been hired to do — to be creative. 

I consider myself privileged to be in the position I am today, and I make it a point never to take it for granted. My journey with Megger has been a rewarding one, marked by continuous growth, both personally and professionally. I look forward to continuing to contribute my skills and creativity to this remarkable organisation.

Role description

The Test Engineer position is occupied by those that are able to work in the Test Engineering discipline independently, making contributions to new product development projects and deriving a variety of test solutions using their own knowledge, skills, and experience.