
Welcome to the Dover Innovation team

Who is in our innovation team? All of us. The best ideas are conceived by asking the impossible questions and discussing the solutions within our team, inspiring each other and sparking off each other's imagination. We then turn those ideas into real technology that works.

Software, algorithms, and user interfaces

Measurements rely on software and firmware to process digital data. For each new product, we strive to improve the calculation algorithms, accuracy, and speed so that new features can be used and enjoyed by our customers. An example of such new techniques is the renowned Confidence Meter™ algorithm that provides statistical noise filtering, delivering stable measured results even in the noisiest of conditions. Another example is our CertSuite™ mobile app, which allows seamless integration between our test equipment and the reporting software for automatic report generation.

The user interface on the MFT-X1 is our latest masterpiece. It is always difficult to deliver simplicity of use for a very complex product, and at Megger we make sure that user-friendliness is at the heart of what we do.

Mechanical and safety

Mechanical design is always challenging, but even more so in high voltage environments where safety is a critical component too. We invented touch-proof high current Kelvin clips with movable shutters that protect operators fingers from dangerous voltages. Another invention of ours was waterproof vents that allow air cooling but provide safe distances for high voltage separation.

To keep our designs modern, safe, light, portable, easy-to-use, designed-for-manufacture, and interesting - all at the same time - we need serious continuous innovation. This is something we are focused on in our myriad of current projects.


Measurement accuracy can be achieved only with proper analogue electronics design.

How do you measure 35 000 000 000 000 Ω (35 TΩ), or 0.000 000 1 Ω (0.1 μΩ), or 150 μV of signal from 230 V noise (6 orders of magnitude)? And all this with standard, off-the-shelf resistors, capacitors, transistors, opamps, and diodes? The answer is, of course, by clever electronics and PCB design. We regard an electronic design to be better if it has fewer components. And of course, we also apply for patents. Would you like to become a named co-inventor on a clever PCB design?

High voltage (HV)

How do you generate 100 000 V (100 kV) in a portable enclosure? All the aspects are challenging, the electronics design, the material engineering, the mechanical design, the production, even the procurement of parts. At such high voltages even water molecules behave differently, surface chemistry matters, leakage currents are everywhere, and guarding is an absolutely essential technique for signal processing. Our bread-and-butter is high voltage measurements, but new technologies call for even more innovation in HV.


Magnetics is ubiquitous in power electronics and signal processing. We invented and patented a miniature 1 kV planar transformer for our portable insulation resistance testers. The DET14 stakeless earth tester comprises a complex 3D magnetic core and shielding design. The above-mentioned transformer oil tester, the OTD, uses induction heating, and the OTS, the differential 100 kV resonating transformer. All these were invented by us at Megger.