Multi-disciplinary team work

Systems engineering in Meggers product development team involves the multi-disciplinary team working together to ensure that the product meets customer needs while satisfying functional, performance, cost, schedule, safety, reliability, maintainability, and other requirements . The team ensure that the system is designed to meet customer needs and requirements while satisfying constraints such as cost, schedule, and risk. Using domain experts who provide technical expertise in specific areas such as software engineering or mechanical engineering 

Tools & techniques

Megger uses an integrated tool set and associated techniques for understanding, organizing, and managing the complexity of the product, helping them to understand and refine the requirements. 

From customer needs to product release

The Megger systems engineering process involves multiple stages that provide increasing levels of fidelity at each layer without over constraint of the implementation. These stages include customer needs, product needs, system design, implementation requirements, testing, and deployment. Each stage involves several activities such as eliciting user needs, developing and documenting requirements, defining robust system architectures, managing external and internal interfaces, guiding subsystem/component design, effectively performing integration and testing. The process allows us to trace requirements from customer needs down to the implementation