UK Testamonials - Wayne Munn

Wayne Munn – Engineering Project Manager 

“I am regularly inspired by their innovations and am proud to be part of Megger”

I joined Megger in February 2023 and have a background in electronic design, business, and project management. I have circa 15 years of success leading projects and programs from development to global deployments in smart metering and revenue management systems, and from general solutions to electricity supply utilities. 

Qualified in electronics and business, and certified in Prince 2 Agile Project Management, I enjoy getting into the details of Lean Agile PM while maintaining a big-picture view. I have always known Megger products to be of the highest standard and multiple existing and new innovations and associated patents continue to ensure we have the leading edge. 

Our Engineering team is highly skilled, very professional, and inspirational to work with. I am regularly inspired by their innovations and am proud to be part of Megger.

UK Testamonials - Matt Mackay

Matt Mackay - Engineering Project Manager 

“We are focused on strengthening all areas where we see opportunity”

I started with Megger over a year ago and was very excited to get back into the engineering workspace and I must say, I haven’t been disappointed. From working on multiple projects collaborating across the world with different project teams, to rebuilding a new project structure, the role has been everything I wanted and more. 

Megger is focused on great leadership and continuous improvement and, while we are not claiming to have everything right, we are focused on strengthening all areas where we see opportunity. 

The Project Management team is part of the wider Engineering team in Megger, although we very much work with all functions across the business as we take projects from concept with our fantastic Product Management team, all the way through to delivery with our hard-working Production teams.

As a Project Management team, we are focused on supporting all members of our team, but not just for the projects they're working on, as we also constantly monitor their wellbeing - something we take great pride in. 

Going forward, I can see growth in my role as Project Manager and growth at a professional level. I'm really excited about the future, both my future here at Megger, and the future of Megger as a global company. 

Role description

The Engineering Project Manager role at Megger not only covers the project management aspect, but it also includes deep technical involvement and knowledge of the decision-making process.